VAKI Exel Counter
Accurate Counting, High Capacity and Image Verification
VAKI Exel Counter
The VAKI Exel Counter is the biggest fish counter in the Macro Range. It has a 120cm wide counting area and has 25% higher capacity than the standard Macro, wireless Internet, logging system and a faster camera connection. The Exel Counter can be delivered both as single or 4 channel. This range of counters is based on a scanning camera and computer vision. The fish are carried gently in water through the scanning area where the outlines are recorded. Custom software is used to analyse and count each image. Even at maximum capacity the counter is extremely accurate – over 99%.
Split Head
- PC that is much lighter to move around between counters
- Can back up other counters in the Macro Micro Range
- Easier to access for any service requirement
- Easier to store for safety and security
- Accurate counting and high capacity
- Images are saved for verification
- Counting Report and overload alarm
- Stress free – fish are in water at all times
- Removable counter head for servicing and storage
- Remote monitoring and servicing
- Can be connected to Smart Flow
- Multi – channels
- Size Measurement Module
- Remote monitoring
- UPS – Backup power supply
- Non-standard outlets and inlets
- Custom design / specification
- Service contract and Extended warranty
- Fish size: 0.2g. – 800g
- Capacity:
- – up to 1.250.000 1g. fish per hour
- – up to 250.000 50g. fish per hour
- Accuracy over 99%
- Dimensions: 192x143x123cm (LxWxH)
- Power supply: 110/220 V
The Macro Exel Fish Counter is well suited for all kind of fish such as: salmon, cod, turbot, halibut, trout, tilapia, shrimp, barramundi, king fish sea bass and bream.

The counter uses VAKI computer vision technology originally developed for counting fry, smolts and juvenile fish. Fish pass over a light source where an imaging line scanning camera is used to grab silhouette image of every single fish. The silhouettes are analyzed and used for counting and size estimation.

The advanced software is used to count the fish as they pass the counting area. All fish images are stored and can be used for verifying the count. The screenshot to the right shows one second of smolt counting where the capacity is up to 100 fish per second.
Among other features the Macro app provides the user the option to run the counter, view the results and email the count report from a smart phone or tablet.

The automatic count report gives valuable and detailed information on the counting. The report can be supplied to the receiver of fish along with the counting file containing the images of all the fish. The throughput chart shows the rate of fish passing thru the counter. With this information the quality of the count can be assessed by checking for any overload.
An optional feature to the counting program, the size measurement module, presents average weight and the size distribution of the counted fish on a graph along with information on the total biomass of the fish. In one simple operation complete data on number and size of fish is obtained without handling or stress.
The VAKI Cloud is the online location to store and access all your VAKI Counter Reports , fish images and smart flow grading reports. All VAKI Counters and Graders have the ability to automatically backup the files to VAKI Cloud.
With a secure Log in the VAKI Cloud will also allow access to current operational status and service information for your VAKI equipment in the VAKI Customer Care Program.
The Customer Care Package provides you with inclusive service checks carried out online by our skilled service team, so no logistical issues or transport costs to worry about. This also gives us the opportunity to advise and make recommendations on the use of the counter, identify any potential issues that may be affecting the accuracy or any repairs / replacements that should be considered.

What our Customers say
“We use the VAKI Macro counters all the time on our fresh water cage farms in Scotland. Despite the obvious weather challenges from wind and motion and rain on these sites, the counters work very well most of the time and give us a high degree of confidence with our stock control”.
“We have been using the VAKI Macro fish counter for several years. The counter employs advanced digital camera technology which gives both high counting capacity and excellent accuracy. In addition, the VAKI Macro fish counter offers good weight estimates of counted fish. The experience of our hatchery staff in using the counter is very positive. The unit is well built and very easy to use. It works very well in combination with fish pumps and graders reducing labor requirements and greatly improving our fish inventory control. It is also virtually maintenance free and, year after year, it provides us with consistent, trouble free operation. Highly recommended”.
“We invested recently in VAKI Macro and Micro products and with these products we have achieved great control on our production. The equipment has a very high capacity and is really accurate in all phases of production. Grading of the fish is also much faster. We have a lot more control on the biomass and fish number after we invested in the VAKI Fish counters”.